Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Indoor Party Games - How Should I Choose Them?

Games where the players need to cooperate and work together with the other players are much better than games where the party-goers play individually. This interaction develops their social skills.

Incorporating a variety of games will therefore develop different social skills. Variety is also important to ensure everyone has fun.

Indoor party games can be played regardless of the weather; it is a good idea to include some if other games are being played outside. If some of the guests would prefer to stay inside, you should have a few indoor party games up your sleeve to keep them entertained too.

Ice-breaker games are great for the start of the party to let everyone settle in and introduce themselves to the group. This is particularly good where people do not know each other or people are in costume/characters. 'Charades' is a fun game that can be played at the start of a party.

Playing indoor games just before food is served is a great way of calming the children down before they eat.

'Musical Chairs' and 'Musical Statues' are traditional, but always great fun. In addition, 'hide and seek' is brilliant if your home has a few good hiding places.

My children love playing 'slowmotion tag' which is basically a game of tag, with all the players talking and chasing in slow motion(!); it helps to ensure fewer things get made in need of repair!

My daughters also love having 'dance-offs' and 'sing-offs'; but, again, we change the rules to ensure everyone feels involved. If some of the children do not like singing or dancing, we let them perform their own skill, and everyone gets a vote to determine who wins the round.

You could also include some 'craft games' or dress-up games (some old curtains are excellent for this, as are clothes you can pick up for next to nothing at charity stores).

My daughters' favorite games are where everyone pretends to be something else. These range from costume parties along a particular theme, to getting all the party-goers to develop a character before the party and everyone else having to guess it at the party. Play-acting helps to develop their imaginations and creativity.

There are many indoor party games that you can incorporate. Getting the children involved in making suggestions helps to ensure they all have fun. You are not limited to the traditional indoor games, as the rules of usually outdoor games can be adapted (by you and/or the girls) to be transformed into games able to be enjoyed inside. Let their creativity do the work for you and enjoy!

Barbie Games

Dress Up Games

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